
Thomas Jolyffe Primary School

Thomas Jolyffe Primary School


Our Curriculum Vision and Ethos


We embrace our Wider Curriculum and the development of the 'whole child' through a love of learning that encourages pupils to ask questions, challenge themselves and articulate their own thoughts and processes.

We aim for all of our pupils to leave primary school as independent, reflective critical learners who strive to be 'The best that they can be' in a world that offers a plethora of opportunities for all of our pupils to explore; Knowing more remembering more and doing more. Most importantly we want our pupils to be proud of themselves, of their achievements of who they are and of their school.



  • To provide an engaging rich , varied and well-planned curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils, building on previous knowledge.

  • To excite and inspire pupils through opportunities for exploration and making full use of our surrounding areas to educate our pupils.


  • Pupils to have a balance of knowledge and skills embedded in all subject areas.
  • To prepare pupils for life in Society by fostering in them attitudes and qualities which enable them to become confident, caring and responsible citizens.
  • Understanding and implementing key Vocabulary is equally important. We want our pupils to understand language and be able to communicate in a range of settings and situations.
  • Children are encouraged to make links across subjects in order to broaden their general knowledge and understanding of the world around them.




We believe every pupils learning journey is unique and that there are no limits to what they can achieve. 

A carefully planned, progressive and sequenced curriculum allows pupils to explore; gain new learning whilst reflecting and building on previous learning to enable them to have a scaffold of learning by the time they leave year 6.

Medium-term plans and teaching and learning show progression across all key stages as well as building up their knowledge and skills across all subjects. 

The use of Kapow Primary is our main tool to support the teaching of Art, DT, History and Geography. It enables children to understand expectations by the end of the unit. New vocabulary is taught within the unit and reinforced throughout the year. The curriculum will allow skills and knowledge to be consolidated by revisiting and building upon key skills taught in previous years.


Schemes for other Foundation Subjects:


Computing- Teach Computing

P.E- Real P.E.

French- Language Angels

Science- Plan Bee, Engaging Science

P.SH.E- Jigsaw/ No Outsiders

R.E- Warwickshire Syllabus

Music- Charanga


The school curriculum map will be planned to ensure that teaching is sequential with the teacher ensuring that knowledge and skills are taught in a logical and progressive order. Lessons will incorporate examples; retrieval practice and, over time, revisit teaching and knowledge skills.




  • Our children demonstrate confidence, independence, resilience and a real thirst for learning.
  • Our children are able to form meaningful relationships based upon mutual respect and trust, recognising and celebrating difference, not only within the school community, but in the wider world as well.
  • Our children have access to a broad and varied curriculum, allowing each of them to flourish as individuals.
  • Our children achieve at least the expected standard across the entire curriculum by the end of Key Stage Two.
  • Our children are articulate and confident to talk about a wide range of topics.
  • Our children have aspirations for the future and know that these can be realised with hard work and determination.
  • Our children grow up being able to make a positive contribution to the world in which they live.

Whole School Curriculum map 2024-2025

Thomas Jolyffe Primary School is determined for all pupils to succeed. Since the previous inspection, many changes have been made. The school has prioritised the development of the curriculum to promote high expectations for all pupils. Staff invest in pupils to build positive relationships with them. Personal development is a strength. The school provides opportunities to enrich pupils’ experiences. Pupils value participating in sporting competitions, such as cross country, football and netball. They also take on positions of responsibility, including school councillors and inclusion champions. Pupils value the leadership skills that they are developing. The school has developed an inclusive environment, where all pupils participate in every aspect of school life. Recently, the school has had a new library. The pupils are very proud of it and say, ‘It is a reading wonderland. It is like walking into another world.’ (OFSTED April 2024)