
Thomas Jolyffe Primary School

Thomas Jolyffe Primary School


Curriculum @Thomas Jolyffe

In 2018 when we began the process of revising our Curriculum we wanted to do so much more than simply reorganise. We wanted a sequence of learning that suited a school with over 25 different nationalities, whilst complementing our fantastic heritage as a school with historic links to the 15th century scholars of Stratford-upon Avon. Our wide and varied thematic curriculum for the 21st century and beyond is the result. Piloted in Summer 2019 we began our first full year the following September and we have worked hard to give children memorable experienced they will take away with them. Please take a look at our Curriculum video to see some of the wonderful opportunities that await you at Thomas Jolyffe Primary...

Which subjects do children learn @TJ?


Our subject coordinators have outlined the journey children will take through their subjects in the Curriculum menu at the top of your screen.


What will my child learn this year @TJ?


In the class curriculum section at the bottom of this page you can see exactly what your children will be learning throughout their year in great detail.


All of the learning has been specially written to help your child reach the objectives set. Children will be reading, researching, writing, illustrating, working on their own and working in groups and we will be checking to see how well your child has learned through particular activities and asking children to explain their work. Perhaps they could do this with you too?


We already know the interest you take in your child’s work so if you can, please discuss with your child the work they have done as the term progresses and let them teach you - play along - allow them to share their interest and curiosities. Maybe give them some extra questions to think about. The possibilities are endless.


If your child has some work to research, please help them, but without actually doing the work. If you have the chance to further their interest in the ideas of this theme please take it, but your enthusiasm and interest is most important.


By the end of each of the units, we hope that your child will have achieved all of the learning targets. We also hope they have had an enjoyable time in the classroom and that you will have enjoyed seeing your child work with enthusiasm. 


If you have any comments or questions about your child’s learning, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance or alternatively email our Curriculum Leader and Deputy Headteacher, Mr Penn at

Key Stage 1 Overview 2023- 2024

Key Stage 2 Overview 2023-2024

Thomas Jolyffe Primary School is determined for all pupils to succeed. Since the previous inspection, many changes have been made. The school has prioritised the development of the curriculum to promote high expectations for all pupils. Staff invest in pupils to build positive relationships with them. Personal development is a strength. The school provides opportunities to enrich pupils’ experiences. Pupils value participating in sporting competitions, such as cross country, football and netball. They also take on positions of responsibility, including school councillors and inclusion champions. Pupils value the leadership skills that they are developing. The school has developed an inclusive environment, where all pupils participate in every aspect of school life. Recently, the school has had a new library. The pupils are very proud of it and say, ‘It is a reading wonderland. It is like walking into another world.’ (OFSTED April 2024)