Curriculum Intent at TJ
At TJ, physical education is about more than competitive sports. Our vision is to foster a life-long love of movement and health related exercise so that children feel the many positive benefits in their physical and mental health.
Sport at TJ encompasses physical, cognitive and social skills and aims to develop these through the high-quality teaching of a range of fundamental movement skills.
Pupils are taught in six areas of activity: games, gymnastic activities, dance, athletic activities, outdoor and adventurous activities, and swimming. All children in KS2 have two sessions of PE every week.
Curriculum Implementation at TJ
Physical education plays a critical role in developing well-rounded, healthy children and young people.
The PE scheme we follow aims to set children up for lifelong enjoyment of games, athleticism and activity while also helping them grow their social and cooperation skills, self-evaluation and goal-setting abilities.
How children learn about keeping active at TJ
In Reception, children focus on developing control and coordination within gross and fine movements. They begin to move in a range of ways concentrating on safely negotiating space. Children will learn to travel in different ways both on and off equipment. As they grow in confidence, children will develop their ball skills through throwing and catching, and engage in dance units to progress their rhythm and movements. Children will also have the opportunity to develop outside skills such as travelling using bikes and scooters and using forest school facilities to experience climbing.
By Year One, children move on to developing fundamental movement skills which enable children to become increasingly confident and competent across a range of movements such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. Children will access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, as well as beginning to experience dance and gymnastics units in which they develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance.
As children progress through the key stage and into Year Two, they will begin to apply basic movements to a range of activities which focus on further developing both gross and fine motor skills. These will include hitting objects with a bat or the hand, tracking and retrieving rolling balls and walking, running and travelling at a variety of speeds. Children will also begin to recognise rules and strategies and apply them in competitive and cooperative games. Finally, children will start to describe why we take part in exercise and why we enjoy it.
At the start of the juniors, children continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills through running, jumping, throwing and catching and move on to using these in isolation and in combination. Through dance and gymnastics children in Years Three and Four will learn how to use skills in different ways linking them to make sequences of movement. Towards the summer term, children in year three will experience racket and ball sports such as cricket and tennis, they will begin to learn the rules, and develop their batting and hitting skills within the game. By the time they reach Year Four, children will become more secure in their knowledge of rules and strategy and will be able to apply these to team games, which may be modified if necessary.
By the time children reach Upper Key Stage Two, children will take part in competitive games and will be able to apply principles suitable for attacking and defending. In contrast to key stage one, in which children worked individually, children will now be expected to communicate and collaborate with each other within a team. They will be more adept at understanding how to improve their own skills by comparing their performances with previous ones and will demonstrate an understanding of, and desire to, achieve their personal best. Additionally, children will begin to critically evaluate the performance of others, giving specific feedback based on their understanding of skills previously taught.
Mr J Mason
PE Lead