At Thomas Jolyffe we believe in our pupils and all they have to offer. They know our school best and are important in helping our school 'to be the best that it can be.'
The pupil voice is important to us all in school; leaders, staff and governors value the contributions of all our pupils. School Council provides a great opportunity to hear their views and opinions.
School council is a group of children from across the school who represent and are elected by their peers to share the views of their class. We meet half termly and discuss issues important to the children.
We also use the time to hear the opinions of the whole school in a safe and supportive space. The children are also able to raise any issues or concerns and feel heard.
We do this at TJ to give the children a chance to be heard and share their opinions; build positive relationships between children in different year groups and with key members of staff; build awareness of the democratic process of hearing each other's opinions and voting, to represent life in modern Britain within our British Values and give the children 'real-life' experiences of instigating and initiating effective change; involve the children in decision making, to ensure they have a say in their school; develop our pupils responsibility and sense of belonging and embed and support aspects of our PSHE and Citizenship curriculum.
Mrs Moore is our School Council leader. Watch this space to see what our newly-elected School Councillors discuss to make our school the best it can be! We will update with our news half-termly.