Hello Year 3!
Mr Johnston and Mr Phipps are excited to begin the second part of the Autumn term! We hope you had a good rest during the half term break and are eager to begin our next learning journey. We cannot wait to begin our next topic with you which is 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age'. In this History focused unit, we will learn all about the main changes that occurred between the pre-historic Stone Age through to the Bronze Age and Iron Age We will look at how the earliest peoples lived and through looking at artefacts will learn about the tools they used to survive.
Mr Phipps and Mr Johnston
Meet the Teachers!
Mr Phipps started working at Thomas Jolyffe in 2022. Before this, he worked in schools in Reading and Birmingham. Mr Phipps has two cats, Poppy and Tabitha, and enjoys walks in the countryside and reading. Mr Johnston has been teaching at Thomas Jolyffe since 2023 and has since taken a full time role at the start of Spring Term.
Homework Website Links
It is the expectation in Year 3 that children read for approximately 20 minutes per day at home. We would appreciate a signature or short comment in children's reading records each time they read in order to help our monitoring. It is important that after finishing each book, the children are quizzing independently to demonstrate how well they have understood what they have read. Quizzing can be done either at school or at home (login details can be found in your child’s reading record).
Times Table Rock Stars
We are also continuing with our Times Tables Rock Stars programme, which children can access at school and at home using the link above. Children will awarded certificates when they reach a new rock star status when playing on Studio.
Year 3's weekly homework will include Maths, Spelling Practice and Reading
Maths homework will be set using the online programme 'MathsShed'. A new activity will be set each Friday to be completed for the following Friday. Your child’s login details can be found in their reading record and are the same as their spelling shed log ins.
As mentioned above, spellings will be set each Monday and the children will be expected to practice daily at home.
We are expecting all children to be reading for at least 20 minutes each day. Please record their reading in their reading record. Certificates are awarded to those children who successfully quiz regularly.
Email Communication Statement
As a school we recognise the value of providing email addresses for parents to communicate non-urgent issues with members of staff - especially this year where face to face contact is rare. At Thomas Jolyffe teachers are free to check their emails as they wish in order to fit to their own preferred work pattern but are not expected to check while they are teaching, while they are at home, or at weekends - so response times may vary. We believe that up to 48 working hours is a reasonable length of time to receive a considered reply. However, children who are self isolating or quarantining will be given priority. Urgent matters are best discussed via the school office, who will ensure the message is delivered as quickly as possible.
As with all messages, the meaning and tone may vary depending on who is reading it. Please consider this before choosing to email any member of staff. We would also encourage all parents to consider information sent to teachers regarding other children very carefully as this can be requested by other parents under the rules governing GDPR.