
Thomas Jolyffe Primary School

Thomas Jolyffe Primary School

Design & Technology

How children learn to be designers, makers and engineers at TJ...

At TJ we use the Kapow DT units to support the teaching and learning of the Design and Technology curriculum.


DT Intent at TJ: 


Design and technology, is an aspiring, rigorous and practical subject. At Thomas Jolyffe Primary School, we believe that children should use their creativity and imagination to make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Through our DT curriculum, children are inspired by and to think like engineers, chefs, designers and architects to enable them to create a range of structures, textiles, mechanisms, food products and electrical systems with a real-life purpose. They are supported in their exploration of a range of DT projects so they are able to approach this area of the curriculum with confidence, enthusiasm and the appropriate level of skill. DT gives children at Thomas Jolyffe the opportunity to demonstrate our school values and visions.



DT  Implementation at TJ:


We aim to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Design and technology through a range of engaging topics taken. Through carefully planned lessons children will cover all strands of the D&T curriculum through the cycle; design, make and evaluate. All of these are underpinned by technical knowledge.

Each year group covers 3 DT units throughout the year covering a range of areas from the topics structure, mechanisms, food and nutrition, textiles, electrical systems (KS2) and digital world (KS2). Each unit is taught over a sequence of lessons following the cycle design, make and evaluate. Subject specific language is modelled throughout lessons which enables children to use key vocabulary correctly.


DT Curriculum Impact at TJ:


At Thomas Jolyffe we intend that the impact of our DT planning and delivery will mean that:


  • Children will develop imaginative thinking which enables them to talk about what they like and dislike when designing and making;

  • Children will develop a range of skills that allow them to design, make and evaluate high quality innovative products that meet the design specification and brief.

  • Children will have opportunities to select appropriate tools and techniques for making a product, whilst following safe procedures;

  • Children will have opportunity to explore attitudes towards the made world and how we live and work within it;

  • Children will develop an understanding of technological processes, products, and their manufacture, and their contribution to our society;

  • Children will foster enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose in designing and making.

  • Children will recognise the impact our decisions can have in the wider world in terms of community, social and environmental issues.

  • Children will self-evaluate and reflect on learning at different stages and identify areas to improve.

  • Understand and apply the principles of healthy eating, diets, and recipes, including key processes, food groups and cooking equipment.


See what we have been busy 'designing', 'making' and 'evaluating' at TJ this year...

Thomas Jolyffe Primary School is determined for all pupils to succeed. Since the previous inspection, many changes have been made. The school has prioritised the development of the curriculum to promote high expectations for all pupils. Staff invest in pupils to build positive relationships with them. Personal development is a strength. The school provides opportunities to enrich pupils’ experiences. Pupils value participating in sporting competitions, such as cross country, football and netball. They also take on positions of responsibility, including school councillors and inclusion champions. Pupils value the leadership skills that they are developing. The school has developed an inclusive environment, where all pupils participate in every aspect of school life. Recently, the school has had a new library. The pupils are very proud of it and say, ‘It is a reading wonderland. It is like walking into another world.’ (OFSTED April 2024)