Spring term 2025
Welcome back to Year 5! We hope you had a great Christmas. Here are a few important notices for the beginning of the term:
We are looking forward to another super term!
☺ Mr Musk and Mr Mason☺
Mr Musk - musk.n1@welearn365.com
Mr Mason - mason.j@welearn365.com
Meet the Troops!
Mr Mason has been teaching for 5 years and can't wait for another year at Thomas Jolyffe! He is passionate about sport and is delighted to be continuing as PE Leader at TJ. He is excited about organising more opportunities for children to compete in a variety of different sports.
Mr Musk has been teaching for slightly longer! He is looking forward to working alongside both Mr Mason and Mr King for a second year. He is continuing in his role as Music Leader in the school and hopes to develop singing and the use of instruments.
Mr King is a die hard Villa fan! He follows them at home and away. When not watching football, he divides his time between both classes, working diligently with small groups and 1;1, supporting children in their learning.
It is the expectation in Year 5 that children read for approximately 25 minutes per day at home. It is important that after finishing each book, the children are quizzing independently to demonstrate how well they have understood what they have read. Quizzing can be done either at school or at home (login details can be found in your child’s reading record).
Times Table Rock Stars
We are also continuing with our Times Tables Rock Stars programme, which children can access at school and at home using the link above.
Email Communication Statement
As a school we recognise the value of providing email addresses for parents to communicate non-urgent issues with members of staff - especially this year where face to face contact is rare. At Thomas Jolyffe teachers are free to check their emails as they wish in order to fit to their own preferred work pattern but are not expected to check while they are teaching, while they are at home, or at weekends - so response times may vary. We believe that up to 48 working hours is a reasonable length of time to receive a considered reply. However, children who are self isolating or quarantining will be given priority. Urgent matters are best discussed via the school office, who will ensure the message is delivered as quickly as possible.
As with all messages, the meaning and tone may vary depending on who is reading it. Please consider this before choosing to email any member of staff. We would also encourage all parents to consider information sent to teachers regarding other children very carefully as this can be requested by other parents under the rules governing GDPR.