Welcome to Year One!
We welcome you and your children to Year One at TJ.
Our team is always happy to help you.
Our fabulous class teachers are...
Mrs Carr and Mrs Mrs Moore - 1CM
Mrs Carr is in year 1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs Moore is in year is in year 1 Fridays.
Miss Parry - 1P
The support staff in Year 1 are...
Miss Fleming, Mrs Mothershaw and Mrs Mann
Contact us by email:
Mrs Carr: carr.s@welearn365.com
Miss Parry: parry.e1@welearn.com
Mrs Moore: Moore.c4@welearn365.com
Or contact us on Class Dojo
Email Communication Statement
As a school we recognise the value of providing email addresses for parents to communicate non-urgent issues with members of staff - especially this year where face to face contact is rare. At Thomas Jolyffe teachers are free to check their emails as they wish in order to fit to their own preferred work pattern but are not expected to check while they are teaching, while they are at home, or at weekends - so response times may vary. We believe that up to 48 working hours is a reasonable length of time to receive a considered reply. However, children who are self isolating or quarantining will be given priority. Urgent matters are best discussed via the school office, who will ensure the message is delivered as quickly as possible.
Our aims in Year 1
In Year One we aim to create a smooth transition from the heavily play-based learning of Reception, working gradually towards whole class lessons in readiness for Year Two.
We will continue to build on the skills your children have developed in Reception, encouraging a growing independence and confidence to work in alone, pairs, small groups and teams. Developing vocabulary, speaking and listening form fundamental parts of our lessons in all areas of the curriculum.
Below there is a copy of our Newsletter for the current half term, which includes information about PE days, home reading and ideas for helping your child at home.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
We are using Dojo to upload pictures of our learning, reward the children for good choices and celebrate on our class story. You can see how many Dojo reward points your child has earnt by downloading and logging onto the app. There is also the option to message your child's class teacher, we are not able to check messages on Dojo as often as emails so if you need to speak to us we suggest you email us (see below) or catch us at pick up or drop off. Thank you
We will start home learning projects later in the year. For now please make sure that you are listening to your child read at home as often as possible (at least 4 times a week). They will need their reading book and reading diary in school every day.