At Thomas Jolyffe, we understand that from time to time, our children and families may need some extra help and support. The links below may help point you in the right direction with this. If you would prefer to discuss your worries or support needs in person, Mrs Geere, our Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead would be more than happy to talk to you. Appointments with her are not always necessary, but you may prefer to book a meeting date and time with her. Mrs Geere can help with advice, support and signposting on all pastoral matters from school or at home, as well as making any appropriate referrals to partner agencies.
Early Help
The purpose of Early Help is to put in the right support at the right time so that problems are less likely to escalate to a point where the child becomes vulnerable or in need. Early Help is sustainable so that problems are less likely to re-occur.
Early help can go beyond the support offered by universal services such as the GP or school.
Early help is always voluntary and it aims to support families to develop strategies and strengths, resolve difficulties and prevent problems escalating to an extent that specialist services are required.
If you would like to learn more about how an Early Help meeting might benefit or help your family, please speak to Mrs Geere, or any member of staff you feel comfortable in speaking with. We are all here to help!
For children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis contact the Rise Crisis team 08081 966798