Class Dojo at TJ!
Class Dojo is an electronic way of recording pupils' rewards collaboratively, as well as individually.Each class can earn class points, linked to our school values of Responsibility, Respect, Resilience, Kindness and care, Empathy and Teamwork, to build up over each half term, winning a class prize during the last week of each half term.
Dojo points are awarded for demonstrating our school values in and around school, demonstrating super manners towards adults and peers and generally being the best that they can be.
As parents you can track how many Dojos your child is receiving on a daily basis. All you have to do is download the Class Dojo app and sign up using your child’s long on details. You can access this information from your class teacher. If you are not able to log onto Class Dojo please come to the school office, where we will be glad to help you.